Easy ways of creating a feeling of being at home in your dorm

Most students dream of leaving home and going to college. However, when they first see the room in the dorm where they will need to spend quite an extensive amount of time, they might get homesick. Maybe not straight away, but the longing for common things which they got used to in their parent’s house will show itself at some point. Usually, dorm rooms do not look very welcoming. However, since this is a place you are going to live for quite a while, it is up to you what you can make out of it. Check out some ways on how to transform your dorm room into a cozy homely nest of yours.
Take something familiar from your home with you
Usually, adjusting to the new place is a challenge for many people. Getting used to an alien and uninviting room at the dorm might be even more difficult for students who all their life lived with parents. In order to make your moving into your new habitat not so stressful, bring your favorite things from home with you. They will make your new space not so cold and hostile. It might be your old cozy blanket, pillow or a teddy bear that shared so many touching and comforting moments in the past with you.
Decorate your space
Most of the time, dorm rooms are impersonal and are lacking any individuality whatsoever. Making your room colorful and full of personality is your task if you want to feel yourself at home. You can experiment with lighting, posters, pillows, visualization boards, and many other small details. If you feel really homesick, you can create a photo collage of your great times back at home and decorate your wall with it. This will bring you nice memories of your parent home and of your friends who study in other colleges.
Keep your room tidy
This advice sounds obvious, but getting back from the college after hard day into a messy room is not very appealing and will only make you feel even more homesick. In addition to this, you are here for learning, and cluttered study and living space is not something that will favor your concentration and motivation for academic achievements. Make sure that you keep your room organized and tidy, and this will help you feel like you are at your own home.
Do it yourself
Doing things yourself is one of the ways to personalize your living space and make it stand out among the rooms of your fellow students in the dorm.
Making your little temporary nest cozy will not only make it comfortable for yourself, but it will be inviting for other students in the dorm and you will be able to make friends faster. Also, if you live with someone else in the room, creating things together will help you bond with your roommate. If you are lost for ideas, you can find many crafting tutorials online. Making new staff will boost your creativity which is so vitally important for a student.
Starting a new life at the college is great, but it might be daunting at first. You will stay in a new place and meet many new people. In order to feel like home living in your dorm room, you will need to personalize your space. It is in your power to create a cozy living environment where you feel good, safe and comfortable so that your new second home could become almost like your first one.
Jesse Herron is a freelance writer at Ninjaessays.us who likes to make researches in fashion directions. She loves to sew her own clothes, go shopping and embroider in silk.