How to write Admission Essay

It is always a great stress for students to write their first admission essay. It is very important step in your life that can influence your whole life and career. To be true, essay is very important and the most personal part of your application. There are always lots of different numbers, grades, and statistics in the application package.
But, your essay is the only thing that describes your personal life, your attitude and your person description. So what should it be like? It should be very personal, free and describe you as a good person for the admissions officers. Show your best side. So, here you have few useful tips for your admission essay.
Use Your Voice and Natural Language
Be as natural as you can. Forget about thesaurus and don’t use it too often. Your paper should be brief, avoid making it too large. You should use words you are using in everyday language. But, at the same time, you should be humble and try not to sound too casual. Your reader is not your friend still.
Make it Interesting
Think about the typical day of an admission officer. What is he doing? Right, reading thousands of admission essays. Actually, all these papers are totally equal. You should try to be unique. You should find another angle to use. Every student is unique, but briefly their life stories are the same. Try to write about your unique features. What makes you so different? You can also consider adding some hook right at the start of your paper. Try to use something interesting in your first paragraph.
Show Versus Tell
Don’t talk it, walk it. Show what you have to show to the admission officers. Before this, you should think about how to describe your personality. It is no use saying about your talent. You should show it on an example. Prove it, actually. You can do this with your certificates and awards. You should transform your subjective statement into objective.
Beware of Wordiness
One of the most important rules is to be brief. Don’t talk too much about everything and nothing at the same time. It is no use to write lots of pages about all the aspects of your personal life. Pick something that is really interesting to read about. The shorter sentences are better describing by the readers.