How to write a good synthesis essay?

You have already written few argumentative essays, and you have to admit that your skills are good enough to write this type of essay. But, now your teacher gave you another assignment…writing a synthesis essay. Does it sound a little intimidating? Don’t worry we are here to help.
First of all, you have to learn what is the synthesis essay? A synthesis itself means synthesizing two or more text in your work. You create sort of a dialogue between them, showing the connection and their communication with each other.
Why should students write the synthesis essays? Writing the synthesis essay helps the student to go deeper into the text, to understand it better and develop the ability to research two or more texts at the same time. When you write about the idea of one author (one text) you focus your interpretation according to one perception, but, when you write about two you see the ideas in the different light, revealing how the authors contradict or complement each other.
Difference between other types of essay
Comparing to the argumentative essay, this type of easy is a bit easier. When you write the synthesis essay, your instructor gives you a list of sources you have to use to substantiate your position.
In synthesis essay, you need to present your ideas, give arguments, and identify the relations between your sources. Don’t try to simply summarize all the sources, this is a rookie mistake.
Some students may also think that the synthesis essay is the same as contrast and compare. But, the synthesis essay is a more intellectual assignment. Instead of just identifying the differences and similarities of the chosen things, you have to learn, track and explain how these two things work together to produce a better understanding of a certain idea or theme.
Choosing topic for a good synthesis essay
When it comes to the topic for any type of essay, you have to be very determined. When you write the synthesis essay think about something more than just a general knowledge.
Writing about whether fruits are good for your health is kind of boring, as we know that people are aware that they help us to be healthier.
Topics you don’t have to write about:
- Gender issues
- Obesity problems
- Synthesis on education
You need to find the topic that can support your position and have several sources. The good topic can touch some social, current problems.
Here are some interesting topics:
- Should young children use cell phones at school?
- Can such punishment as a death penalty exist in 21 century?
- What type of school is more effective public or homeschooling?
With these examples, you have the idea of how to choose a great topic. The main idea is stick to your position and to your preferences.
How to organize your synthesis essay
You may think how to start a synthesis essay, use synthesis essay structure which is pretty simple. Follow the general pattern, and you will do everything just right.
- The first is introduction where you represent the theme, texts you’re going to write about in the body paragraphs and strong thesis statement.
- Then write the first point about the theme.
- Describe and reveal the perspective of the first text, and the same with the second text.
- Here goes the second point about the theme.
- Conclusion
I hope that now the writing of synthesis essay doesn’t seem so intimidating. Use these tips and your essay will be a great paper to read.