5 things to know to come up with a perfect book review

Do you feel unsure when it comes to writing a book review? This task seems simple for book lovers but it may get you stuck with your thoughts not knowing what to start with. First of all, you need to know that other readers, just like you, will be happy if you share your opinion on the book because no matter if you liked it or not, you can help others with their choice. Imagine you are talking to someone who wants to find the right book and asks you for help. What would you tell them? This is what makes a perfect book review.
Your opinion matters
Do you make notes when reading? Usually people do not do that but notes can greatly help you when it comes to organizing your thoughts. If there is a page that can become a point of interest (like plot twist, excellent dialogue or characteristic), mark it and include to your review. When you finish the book, you may re-read the pages you liked most and write out the catchy phrases.
Remember that the most part of the review should be your thoughts, and just a few lines can be written about the story itself. Your task is to decide whether the author achieved the goal or not. Avoid spoilers at all costs; this would be so unfair to the readers. The main thing is to be honest: if you did not like the book, it is not a problem. Do not write what you think you should have, share your own opinion and ideas and have fun!
Things you need to know
If you are a beginner and need some help with your first book review, then pay attention to the following few points:
- Start with a few sentences describing the book itself (no details, just facts and, of course, no spoilers);
- Describe what you liked about the book the most (focus on your feelings and ideas, tell about your favorite character, part or scene);
- Outline what you did not like about the book (explain why it was not a good fit for you);
- Summarize your thoughts and suggest what kind of readers would like it (age category, theme, etc);
- Give the book your rating.
The most important thing is to express your opinion, no matter if it is positive or negative.
Some FAQ information
Do you have questions when writing? Maybe some of them are already answered by us, so check these points to find the right info:
- After you read the book, make sure it is fresh in your memory and you will not miss any details. If it has been a while since you last read it, maybe it is worth to read it again.
- If this is a series of books, it would be awesome to read all of them to give a fair opinion. You can compare the books between each other and make comments.
- It is not necessary to finish the review in a couple of hours: let yourself think a bit and come up with fresh ideas. You may take one-two days and look if you want to change something about it or add something;
- You have to remind yourself that you are doing it for the audience and take into account what it needs;
- Writing book reviews is a good way to sharpen your skills and read the books you would never read before. You get an idea how it works and get useful experience out of it. Learning how to express your ideas and your thoughts can make you empowered and kind of proud of yourself.
We wish you good luck and believe you can do it! Find out more how to write a good movie review