How to write a successful Curriculum Vitae (CV)

In order to apply for a job, a person needs to present his working experience to the potential employer. CV is a way to concisely demonstrate to the recruiter what candidate is capable of, what his skills and qualifications are. In order to get an invitation to the interview, the candidate needs to provide CV and if it is not done properly, the person might not be hired.
What is Curriculum Vitae?
Curriculum Vitae (abbreviated CV) is a document which concisely summarizes your working experience. It presents the skills and knowledge that you have learned during your studying and working years. It is meant to be provided to the employer in order to show that you have necessary skills required for the open vacancy.
Basic rules of creating CV
If you have never written CV before and want to write your resume from scratch, it might be helpful to contact professional services.
If you decided to do all by yourself, check out some of our general pieces of advice on how to create a resume and get a job that you like.
- Do the research. CV is a formal document, but its requirements change from time to time. Depending on the nature of the position which you are applying for, the content and the outline may vary. There might be a list of specific instructions on the company’s website, so make sure to check this out.
- Work out the structure. Usually, CVs have a certain structure and, depending on what job you apply for, the outline may vary. If your CV is not organized and cluttered, your CV will end up unread.
- Learn about the company. Figure out what the recruiters are looking for in a potential candidate. Each CV and personal statement in it needs to be adjusted to the interests of the company.
- Include only relevant employment positions which you had in the past. If you decided to apply for a position in IT company, it is highly unlikely that the employer will be interested in your experience of working as a florist. However, this information might look appropriate in the section “Hobbies and interests”
What information should be included in CV?
The main rule of writing CV is that the information in it must be relevant to what company does. If you do not have any specific directions from the company you want to work for, here are the general information that is usually included in the Curriculum Vitae:
- Your full name
- Contact details (email, phone number and, optionally, social profiles and link to your personal website)
- Educational background
- Relevant work experience
- Hobbies and interests
What is a follow-up?
A follow-up is a very important part of a job search. Hiring managers and employers may receive hundreds of resumes each day. If you are serious about your decision to get a particular position at a particular company, contacting a hiring manager sometime after you have sent your CV should be a must if you want to distinguish yourself among other applicants. This will help you demonstrate your genuine interest of working in a particular company.
One of the studies showed that on average, hiring managers spend approximately 6 seconds when they start looking through a resume. It is very important to make sure that your CV grabs the recruiter’s attention, makes him read your resume fully and offer you a job. We hope that our general rules will help you write a great CV. Good luck!