Types of essays

A lot of modern students know that essay writing is not an easy task – it is quite a complicated business. But, in order to succeed in it, you should know exactly what and how you are going to write. It is very important to know, that there are several types of essays. Each of them has its own features and peculiarities. You should definitely know the rules, which will help you write your chosen essay easily and effectively. So, let`s find out how these types of essay look like.
A persuasive essay is an essay that allows you to express your own opinions and thoughts and then defend your point of view. Here you should convince your audience that your way of thinking is right. Your convincing evidence is really important. The persuasive essays are also known as the argumentative essays. In order to show that your idea is worth something, you should utilize reason and logic. You should persuade your readers to take some actions or adopt your point of view. You should know exactly what the purpose of your essay is and choose a particular position. So, as you can see, a persuasive essay requires your argumentative skills and sound reasoning.
- Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay is an essay in which you are asked to describe something. Just imagine for a moment that you are an artist. Use your incredible artistic freedom to create the unforgettable image. Your audience should imagine those things which are written. Here you can describe your emotions, senses, and way of thinking. But, remember, that you should organize your essay strictly. Everything should be described in the order. You can write a description of a person, event, object, place or even a significant memory. Use as many sensory details and colorful words as you can.
An expository essay is an essay in which you are asked to investigate and present the idea supporting it with the strong arguments. Your personal feelings, thoughts and opinions do not belong in such type of essay. You should write your expository essay through contrast, definition, comparison, example and the analysis of effect and cause. In your essay you should consider different solutions to the perplexing problems, their weaknesses and strengths. An expository essay requires an informative, balanced analysis of your main theme. You should explain your topic using different approved facts, examples and statistics. An expository essay has a specific structure: one introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs and one conclusion paragraph.
A narrative essay is an essay in which you are asked to write about your real-life experience. This type of essays is usually written in the first person. It can be very difficult to write about yourself, but you can agree that we all possess the interesting life moments in our memories. All of them are definitely worthy of sharing with other people. During the writing of the narrative essay, you should use all storytelling features: characters, plot, climax, setting and ending. Since this essay includes your personal experiences, you can easily express your point of view, fill your story with precise details and even use dialogs. You have to involve your readers in the story, make them think about your characters and their actions. Remember, that in order to captivate your audience, write about your true fillings, thoughts, sounds you heard and sights you saw. Make your readers be excited about your narrative essay!