Writing Guides

Types of essays

A lot of modern students know that essay writing is not an easy task – it is quite a complicated business. But, in order to succeed in it, you should know exactly what and how you are going to write.  It is very important to know, that there are several types of essays. Each of them has its own features and peculiarities. You should definitely[…]

How to write a term paper for college

A term paper is a research paper which is written by the college students at the end of a semester. It can be an exhausting and pretty difficult task for the students to accomplish it. The writing process itself can take several weeks to complete. Here are some tips about how to craft an outstanding term paper without any problems. Turn your academic writing burden[…]

How to structure your essay properly?

A lot of students can find it difficult to write an essay if they don`t know how to structure it properly. In order to unfold your ideas on the paper in the logical sequence and make them interesting to your audience, you should follow some very clear instructions. The structure of your future essay is like its skeleton. So, find out how to write a[…]

How to write a research paper?

A research paper is a type of the writing assignments in which you are asked to identify and explore technical, scientific or social issues. In order to achieve the academic writing excellence, you should know everything about the planning, organization, and preparation of your high-quality research paper. A lot of students face a feeling of anxiety and confusion when they are asked to write it.[…]

How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Structure and Tips

A persuasive essay is a type of essay in which you should convince your audience to believe and accept some ideas and points of view. Its main purpose is to demonstrate why your opinion is correct. In order to support your arguments, you should provide your readers with the persuasive evidence. Your ideas should be presented logically. In a persuasive essay, you have to take[…]

What Is a Movie Review and How to Write It

Movies are watched by millions of people each day all around the world. They add something special and exciting to our lives, don’t they? Of course, all people have different opinions of movies. So, the rates can be either high or low. There are a lot of movies reviews available on the websites. However, some of them are written just for fun by amateurs, while[…]

The Complete Guide to Health Essay Writing

1. Understand the task clearly The first thing you have to do while writing an essay on health is to make sure you fully understand what is being asked of you. You need to clarify all moments concerning the essay question to complete your work properly. Look through some key terms, which will help you to construct the response to the question in a correct[…]

What is the Purpose of a Cover Letter

In general, a cover letter is an essential part of any job application, consisting of only one single page. A cover letter aims to: Introduce yourself Provide the information about the job you are applying for Show the relevance of your skills and abilities with the required ones Encourage the reader to read your resume Provoke a call to action

College Student Resume Tips

A resume is a brief summation of a person`s experience, education, skills and ambitions. Actually, the employers will spend approximately 30 seconds looking at each resume. So, your task is to stand out from all other candidates. Here are some useful tips on how to succeed with the resume and get a job of your dream without problems.

What is a Business Plan?

Any business plan is considered to be a roadmap to success for a business. This document serves to point out the main ideas of business you are going to start. It also provides the information about what will be on sale, how the business is structured, what funding you will need, what your financial projections are, and explanation of all documentation materials. A business plan[…]

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